Tuesday, 26 November 2013

The Houseplant Problem

Today's photo depicts a jungle that used to be a desk. The transformation of the
desk was a gradual process that was barely perceptible at first. By the time I realized
what was really happening, I had accumulated an alarming number of plants.

"Ha," you may scoff, "this will never happen to me!" Maybe it won't. But just
remember that houseplants make ideal gifts during this colder weather, and you
may receive more than you bargained for.

As you may have guessed, I have a weakness for plants, and houseplants are no
exception. I didn't intend to create a jungle. Some plants were gifts, others were
rescue plants, and, yes I admit it, some were purchases.

Take another look at the photo. You may notice a poinsettia sitting calmly in the
background row. This may not seem odd to you until I mention that the poinsettia
has survived one Christmas already and will probably be around for another. Since
I am a plant-lover, I research the care that each plant species requires, which is why
I have a non-blooming poinsettia in late November.

You may also notice a fancy begonia that is proudly showing off its two leaves.
This is quite an accomplishment, since it first entered the room as a rescue plant
with only one leaf. I liked it so much that I couldn't bear to let the frost get it.

The jungle continued to grow as each new houseplant added its own unique story
to the collection. And now, the desk is hardly visible. So be warned, Readers. Keep
track of your houseplants, otherwise you may end up with a jungle like mine.

What's wrong with a jungle? Nothing, as long as you have the time and inclination
to care for it. You do? Great, then go wild! Houseplant jungles can provide great
substitute gardens for green thumbs over the winter, and they may also improve
indoor air quality by filtering out common toxins. Just remember to keep the
jungle away from children and pets, since many houseplants are poisonous.

All the best. Check back on Monday, 2 December for my next post.

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